Posts about person
John Boehner

11 ways the GOP sabotaged Obamacare
July 26, 2019 – The story of Obamacare's problems is not complete unless we take a look back at all the ways Republican lawmakers took steps to…

Obamacare’s ‘victims’
January 2, 2014 – When ‘victims’ step forward, reporters need to investigate these claims. If newspaper editors and television producers are willing to…

The dismal politics of Obamacare
October 9, 2013 – I think different Republicans hold a full range of motivations with respect to the health care law. Some oppose the Affordable Care Act out…

A fuss over subsidies for Congressional staff
August 7, 2013 – The decision to let Congressional staffers keep their federal subsidies to help buy coverage through the exchanges makes sense from a human…

Obama wins Round One of budget standoff
December 7, 2012 – Now, the president will have to decide where he is willing to compromise on cutting government spending. There are, in fact, places where…

Is health care headed for the ‘fiscal cliff?’
December 3, 2012 – It's hard not to think about the movie "Thelma and Louise" with all the dire predictions about the coming"fiscal cliff." House Speaker…

Why there is no “Next Big Idea” for reform
November 19, 2012 – Bottom line: The President doesn't need to come up with new ideas. He just has to stand firm on implementing what we…