Posts about person
Wendell Potter

Succeed or fail, challenge may push rates higher
March 3, 2015 – Because of all this uncertainty, insurers reportedly are thinking of pricing their policies higher for 2016 than they would if they knew…

Santa, please deliver relief from high deductibles
December 19, 2014 – What I'd like from Santa is for him to bring the American people some relief from the high deductibles that so many of us are having to…

The ‘good old days’ before Obamacare
October 25, 2014 – We Americans have short-term memory when it comes to health care. Either that or far too many of us have bought – hook, line and sinker…

Don’t let $418 million of FUD fool you
October 16, 2014 – I should have realized that those who are opposed to the law out of economic self-interest or for political reasons would continue to spend…

Dem ad slays Obamacare-hating Republican
May 25, 2014 – Of the nearly half a billion dollars that has been spent on political ads mentioning the Affordable Care Act since 2010, just a little more…

Introducing a new ‘metal’ tier: Fool’s Gold?
May 6, 2014 – Does the health insurance industry really think that Americans are desperate for a return to policies with sky-high deductibles and scanty…

The dental crisis that’s driving patients away
April 15, 2014 – When increasing numbers of Americans cross the Mexican border to see a dentist ... you know we've got a growing health care crisis on our…

Obamacare: Irreplaceable, irrepealable
April 7, 2014 – If you support the Affordable Care Act, know that your work is not yet done. And if you don't like it, you'll have opportunities to vote…

March ACA enrollment madness?
March 27, 2014 – "When you hear a final tally next month of the millions who have signed up for coverage through a public exchange, know that millions more…

Enrollment: ‘Beating the clock’ isn’t enough
March 17, 2014 – With just two weeks remaining before the window slams shut on the Affordable Care Act's open enrollment period, unquestionably, the best…

‘Bailout?’ ‘Unprecedented?’ Honestly?
January 29, 2014 – "What [ACA critics] don't tell you is that while $25 billion is a lot of money, it is pocket change compared to the enormous amount of…

Looking for the down side?
January 19, 2014 – Despite the Journal’s headline, important progress is being made. Millions of people who previously were uninsured because they…